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Ghost Write

  • 1 h 30 min
  • Open to Offers
  • Online

Service Description

Ghostwriting has been around since the genesis of recorded music. The precedent was set early on that the art of making music was not to be a singular act. In order to record a song professionally a lot of moving parts have to be in place working cohesively. In every genre of music besides rap, ghostwriting is accepted as the norm. Perhaps it’s because in every other genre the voice is the main component for an artist, while in rap it’s your lyrical ability that makes you an emcee. Although the rap community has historically looked down on ghostwriters, many ghostwriters have still been utilized. It seems like ghostwriters are used more as insurance for record companies. As a record company, if you put millions of dollars into an artist you want to make sure you receive a vast return on your investment. The ghostwriter is most likely there so the artist has a better chance of crafting a hit record.

Contact Details


4 Akai Street. Baatsonaa, Accra, Ghana

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